ツイート News and Events RSS Atom News2023.08.25Associate Professor/Lecturer/Assistant Professor (1 position) , Wakayama University, Faculty of Tourism, Academic Appointment (The appointment will be based on the Tenure-Track system for Lecturer/Assistant Professor levels) News2023.08.21Professor/Associate Professor/Lecturer in Macroeconomics (1 position)Wakayama University, Faculty of Economics, Academic Appointment News2023.08.10Lecturer or Assistant Professor (Tenure Track position),Wakayama University,Center for Tourism Research (CTR),Academic Appointment News2023.06.21Fixed term Professor or Associate Professor (1 position), Wakayama University, Institute for Global Initiatives, Academic Appointment News2022.11.15Professor/Associate Professor/Lecturer in Macroeconomics (1 position) Wakayama University, Faculty of Economics, Academic Appointment News2022.08.19Professor or Associate Professor (1 position), Wakayama University, Institute for Global Initiatives, Academic Appointment News2022.07.08Professor/Associate Professor/Lecturer in Macroeconomics (1 position) Wakayama University, Faculty of Economics, Academic Appointment News2021.06.28【One Fixed term Researcher】Center for Tourism Research (CTR), Wakayama University, Japan News2021.02.15【Position description】Professor/Associate Professor/Lecturer in Microeconomics (1 position) Wakayama University, Faculty of Economics, Academic Appointment News2019.08.27【One Fixed term researcher】Center for Tourism Research (CTR), Wakayama University, Japan Event2019.05.31[Seminar] CTR Seminar Series 2019 Vol.3 “ ‘Overtourism?’ Perspectives and a Research Agenda" Event2019.05.09[Seminar] CTR Seminar Series 2019 Vol.2 “Between mountains and seas: Political ecology of tourism in forests in Southwest China, North Sweden and Japan" Event2019.04.16[Seminar] CTR Seminar Series 2019 Vol.1 “Research, lifelong sport, and travel: Exploring pathways to sustainability" News2019.04.12[Conference presentation] Presented a paper at the Asian Symposium on Sustainable Tourism for Development Back