諏訪湖マラソン大会参加者のマラソン大会参加動機と 観光動機に関する研究:参加者の宿泊と同伴者の有無に着目して
公開日 2020年04月14日
国際観光学研究センター(CTR)研究員の伊藤央二 准教授(観光学部)の共著論文が学術誌「生涯スポーツ学研究」に掲載されました。
Motivation for marathon event participation and tourism activities among participants in the Suwako Marathon: A comparison between sport tourists and sport excursionists who travel with or without companions
伊藤 央二 (和歌山大学 観光学部)
藤森 美月 (イオンモール株式会社)
生涯スポーツ学研究 2019年 16巻 2号 pp.1-11
The purposes of this study were to (a) examine factor structures of motivation for marathon event participation and tourism activities; and (b) compare the motivation for marathon event participation and tourism activities across sport tourists without companions, sport tourists with companions, sport excursionists without companions, and sport excursionists with companions. A questionnaire survey was conducted for participants in the 2018 Suwako Marathon, and 532 participants provided usable data. The results of exploratory factor analyses, analyses of variance, and multiple comparisons indicated that in addition to the framework of "sport tourists vs. sport excursionists", taking into account companion status is key to understanding participants’ motivation for sport participation and for tourism activities in participant-based sporting events.
sport tourist, Sport excursionist, motivation, companion, marathon event