11/19(火)開催!公開セミナー「Legacy of mega-events: A case study of the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games 2018」
公開日 2019年10月21日
CTRでは、①Ethics and Responsibility、②Diversity and Equity、③Community and Environmentというキーワードを活動指針としており、これらをテーマとしたセミナーシリーズを開催しています。
CTR Seminar Series 2019 Vol.4
「Legacy of mega-events: A case study of the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games 2018」
In this seminar, Dr Aaron Tham will provide insights to the event legacies of the Commonwealth Games. The Commonwealth Games are a smaller version of the Olympics, but nevertheless attract in excess of one million visitors and also a global TV audience. Drawing from observational studies and secondary data obtained from the case of the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games 2018, Dr Tham discusses where the Games appear to be successful, but also highlights areas of improvement for event legacies. The seminar will then open up conversations as to what this means in the context of Japan for future mega events.
和歌山大学 西4号館 T101教室? (〒640-8510 和歌山市栄谷930)
Dr Aaron Tham
Lecturer and Program coordinator of the Tourism, Leisure and Events Management major USC Business School, University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia
Dr Aaron Tham completed his PhD at Monash University, investigating the role of social media and the influence it has on tourism decision making. Dr Tham’s primary research interests focus on two main areas - One, emerging technologies (e.g. drones, the sharing economy, blockchains in tourism and hospitality) and event legacies. He currently serves on five journal editorial boards, and is also a reviewer across almost a dozen journals. He has published across leading journals in the field such as Tourism Management, International Journal of Tourism Research, Tourism Management Perspectives, Event Management, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, among others. In addition, Dr Tham is currently the Vice President of the Travel and Tourism Research Association (Asia Pacific Chapter), and is also a Gold Coast Business Events Bid Ambassador.
和歌山大学 国際観光学研究センター
和歌山大学 国際観光学研究センター
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