公開日 2018年09月05日
国際観光学研究センター(CTR)客員研究員である山口志郎 准教授(流通科学大学)とCTR研究員の伊藤央二 准教授(観光学部)らの共著論文が学術誌「生涯スポーツ学研究」に掲載されました。
山口 志郎(流通科学大学人間社会学部)
高松 祥平(神戸親和女子大学 発達教育学部)
伊藤 央二(和歌山大学 観光学部)
岡安 功(広島経済大学 経済学部)
生涯スポーツ学研究 2018年14巻2号 p.41-52
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14838/jjls.14.41_52
On June 11th, 2017, the Japan Sport Agency announced the outdoor sports promotion declaration. To promote outdoor sports in Japan, the Japan Sport Agency and local governments have been working on the sustainable development of nature-based sport tourism. However, the population of outdoor sports including skiing and snowboarding has decreased. In addition, the recent populations of Tokushima and Kochi prefectures have decreased, and their semi-mountainous areas have faced with the decreasing populations. To explore sustainable sport tourism development, the following four topics were addressed in this report by focusing on the Yoshino River: (a) strategies of tourism development; (b) the state of outdoor sports; (c) the World Rafting Championship 2017; and (d) community development through rafting. On the basis of the results, Miyoshi City has promoted the improvement of approachable and preferable environment for inbound tourists. The Yoshino River plays a role in providing a meeting place for potential partners through rafting participation (e.g., Sport Konkatsu). At the World Rafting Championship 2017 Japan, people enjoyed not only watching the rafting races, but also nature-based tourism resources by using the service of a stamp rally and smartphone application. However, some problems (e.g., a small number of rafting athletes, spectators’ stands) were also identified at the sport event. Community development through rafting tourism has contributed to employment opportunities for local residents, the promotion of local commitment among young people, and the improvement of local residents’ living conditions.